This is what happens when your appointment is at 1:45 and you don't get seen until 3pm.
My feet were freezing! I left my socks in the car and thought for sure the second I sent Hubby to get them that the Dr would come in. Should have got the socks!
The sonohysterogram was not as bad as the HSG. It was pretty awkward, I had to maneuver myself to sit on a trash bag! This procedure also required a cath to insert saline in my uterus during a ultrasound to get a better look at the walls and make sure everything was in the right place. I'm not gonna lie, the cath hurt, fell out and hurt again. The saline felt cold and there was cramping but I survived. When everything was done we looked at the images and he said everything looked good.
My ovaries are good, I have a great supply of eggs (apparently the chart I posted meant 14 total not per side) 20 plus follicles. They are small but with stimulating drugs we should get some good ones.
He also said my hormones are in the right place so the metformin is working (yea!) my TSH is in the normal range at a 3 but under 2 is preferable for pregnancy so he's put me on thyroid meds to bring it down.
Then he talked about my HSG results.
This is what I have:
The inflammation and healing process resulting from such infection destroys the delicate finger-like fimbria, which extend from the end of the fallopian tube to the ovary. When injured, fimbria become fused together, thus closing off the tubes. Fluid then collects in the fallopian tubes, making it impossible for them to function.
The blocked tube may become substantially distended giving the tube a characteristic sausage-like or retort-like shape. The condition usually affects both fallopian tubes, (even when only one tube is affected, there is usually some residual damage to the other).
He drew the tube while explaining all this to us and it looked exactly like my X-ray.
Apparently somewhere in the past 10 years I had a infection that inflamed my uterus. He could not tell me what exactly caused it and that sometimes it's asymptomatic. My suspicion is this has to do with a burst cyst or something related to PCOS.
He went on to tell me that he believes the fluid in the right side is now damaging the left side (accounting for the partial blockage) and that the tube will have to come out. The fluid is toxic and will kill any embryos and continue to damage the left side. So I have surgery set for December 2. He will try to repair the left side when he removes the right. If its beyond repair the left will come out too.
Laparoscopy. This is a surgical procedure using a laparoscope -- a thin, lighted instrument fitted with a tiny viewing camera. The laparoscope is inserted into the pelvic area via a tiny incision in the belly button, enabling the surgeon to directly see the fallopian tubes on a screen.
I'm a little freaked out about this, I've never been in the hospital, never broken a bone, never had stitches. It's been a week and I'm still wrapping my brain around all these pieces.
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