I know I've been dormant for a while. Mainly nothing momentous to share and partly still resonating on the load of information from my last post, but here's a little fun from last week.
These ladies are the core of my youth. My childhood bestie's and my sister. These day's its FAR and between that we actually can all be together in the same room, but last Thursday some things shifted in the right place and we were able to have a nice girls night out. (I say far in a quite literal term, as we are scattered between San Clemente and Los Angeles)
I had bought some concert tickets as an anniversary gift for another friend. We were supposed to go on a double date, but that quickly fell apart when Hubby had to go back east for work and the other couple couldn't make it because of a non-bottle-taking-baby situation. So I found myself with 3 open tickets and couldn't think of 3 people I'd rather take then these. I felt very "sex in the city" getting the girls together. Ironically in our 18 year friendship we've NEVER gone to a concert.
We started out the night at a swanky West Hollywood restaurant called the Fig & Olive. One of the girls had a coworker who's husband just happened to be working and was able to get us a table.
It was a interesting set up, kind of like a patio but inside. We sat in wicker chairs that pulled up to a coffee table and all ordered an assortment of crostini's and a salad.
We have this a inside joke where you have a "moment" with your first bite of something new. Something you know is going to be good but surprises you on just how good and its "food-gasmic". Each bite was divine, I didn't want this evening of good food and friends to end. But at the same time I kept glancing at the clock thinking we have somewhere to be.
And that's when the waitress comes up and asks if we just have 10 more minutes to spare because the manager would like us to have a desert. How could we turn that down? Behold the "moment" giving chocolate lava cake with the surprise citrus semifreddo.
I considered taking an after shot but we basically licked the plate clean if that gives you any indication on how good it was.
We left the restaurant saying why don't we do this more often? We should do this once a month! Would that realistically happen, probably not because lets face it LIFE happens but it's nice to hope.
It was only a 5 minute drive to the concert venue so I really had nothing to worry about we got there in plenty of time. The concert was Tristan Prettyman (mentioned in this
This would be my third time seeing her in concert and she just keeps getting better.
Fun Fact: the first time I saw her 6 years ago was with one of my besties and now we were seeing her again together.
I thought I was pee in your pants excited before... I think I literally turned into a 15 year old girl when Joshua Radin came out to do a song with her.
All the music was beautiful, emotional and raw; a genuinely Great concert. I'm super happy I got to share it with my sister. Although theres only 3 years between us, we've had a gap in our social scene the past oh I don't know 8 years lol. Now that she's a married lady and almost 30, I see that gap is closing. I would have NEVER thought we'd go to a country bar together, let alone try line dancing.

The evening was full of reminiscing, remember whens and where did the time go? And then there was the interesting conversation of age, discussing how 30 isnt so scary afterall (we range from 29-31) At what point are you a adult? In my mind I'm still 23! Although some days my body feels 63. When I look at my peers some with children some without and we're just "the girls". My sister made an interesting point, "our 30's are to redo the 20's but BETTER." We're more mature, have more money and can appreciate things differently than 10 years ago. Funny and true. I bet we'll be having the same conversation in 10 more years.