I know its been few and far between that I've been able to post anything. The short story of it all is that we're short staffed at my work and I've been working 13 hour days (that's right people, I'm gone from 5am to 7pm) The sad side effect is that I've been eating out for all my meals because I leave so early and come home so late I'm to exhausted to prepare anything.....and now I've gained back all the weight I'd lost plus some more. BOO.
Upside, Hubby bought me a Ipad so in my down time at work I've been on Pinterest, pin pin pining away paleo recipes. By some miracle I had 6 days off in a row and decided to actually try some of these recipes and really try to get back on track with paleo eating.
These are my trusty tools: IPAD and Blender. I also picked up this snazzy mortar and pestle at Costco, a few of these recipes called for ground flax seed. I also heard that ground chia seed helps thicken smoothies and is amazing in Omega 3.
This did take quite a while to cut up all the fruit and read each recipe so I don't have pictures of them all. Instead I'm posting the pretty pictures from the blogs they came from, followed by my modified recipe, when you click on the picture it will link you to the original recipe.
Why modified you ask? I'm allergic to banana (the base of most smoothies), I had to use the fruit on hand and some had to be paleo-fied.
Strawberry Sunbutter & Spinach
- 2 cups frozen strawberries
- 2 large handful spinach leaves
- 3 Tbsp sunbutter
- 1cup unsweetened almond milk
- 1.5 Tbsp maple syrup
- 1Tbsp ground flax seed
- 2 tsp apple cider vinegar
- 1/4 tsp cinnamon
I doubled the original recipe and it filled 2 mason jars perfectly. This smoothie is pretty delicious, especially if your a peanut butter lover like my hubby is. Sun butter is the perfect sub, Trader Joe's has a pretty yummy jar for under $5.
Mango Orange
Bright citrus flavor, the apricot didn't blend down to well though. If you don't like chunky smoothies I would leave it out.
Pina Colada

- 2 cups pineapple (I used frozen from Trader Joe's)
- 1 cup mango
- 1 can coconut milk
- 1 cup pineapple juice
- Chia Seed and Ground Flax optional
This was my favorite, the only down side was it was a little to acidic drinking it all at once, but that could just be me. I still have one more jar of this so I'm going to definitely try again.
At this point I was feeling pretty confident in my smoothie making ability's and decided to wing it. I had purchased some pre cooked beets at Costco, super healthy....super disgusting. Picture me, dumping 3 juicy beets in the blender, dancing in the kitchen singing "turn the beet around, blah blah blah, the passion". It didn't matter how much fruit I put in the blender it was not going to cover that taste. I even dumped half out and tried to salvage it. No Bueno.
So we scrapped that batch and moved on.
Very Berrylicious

Another fav of the Hubby's, he loves anything berry and definitely better than beets!
Here are my little beauties in the freezer, each batch filled 2 jars. My mom bought me blue ball jars at Target. I also bought larger jars to make salads in more on that to come and more smoothie recipes too. I found some with avocado base, that should be interesting.
These look amazing!! Yum....I'm enjoying my oatmeal in a jar every morning. It's delish!!!