We started out by agreeing that bottles, blocks and trucks have been done to death. After scouring pinterest for shower ideas we had both pinned this little guy:

After scanning the directions we dove head first into this little project with a mandatory trip to Michaels. Of course I had to open my big mouth with "you know what would look really cute? A big one and a little one side by side"
Should have read the directions more closely. Alas hindsight is 50/50.
It took me a couple tries, a few curse words under my breath, the engineering of my husband and a trusty measuring tape but did these come out cute or what??
All packed away nice and cozy
Making a debut the day of the shower
To add a little more whimsy we hung hot air balloons and clouds from the trees
We ordered our banner here on Etsy,
the shop owner was amazing and totally worked with me on the design and how we
wanted to feel of the shower. We also got matching balloon cupcake
toppers pictured below.
My friend Joi Lawler over at Cake Mix
created our lovely lemon cake based on this design; as well as the balloon and cloud sugar cookies.
Even if your having a boy, there's
nothing like adding a little sparkle.
Down to the very last dreamy cloud
detail, I'm pretty sure this shower was a hit!